The hot temperatures will be here pretty soon. While Arizona is usually a dry heat, when the monsoons hit, things can get a little close as my dad used to say.

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Credit: Canva

Most of the year temperatures are pretty decent here, but right around June the thermometer can top out around 100 plus degrees. While June is usually our hottest month, there are days that get pretty close before then.

Here are five things you can do when the temperature begins to hover around 100 degrees in Cochise County.

1. Head to the Cove Aquatic Center

The Cove Aquatic Center was closed for the end of the season so they could upgrade some of the behind the scenes equipment. When the temperature rises, an economical way to stay cool is to spend an afternoon at the Cove, as locals call it.

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Credit: Canva

The Cove has a variety of ways to get healthy, with lap swimming and water walking. You can keep small kids entertained with Splash Time, aimed at kids 3 and younger. Of course, the very popular open swim is a chance for everyone to enjoy the water and the waves.

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Credit: Canva

Be sure to watch for special events, like Tsunami Night, where kids and teens can take advantage of larger the usual waves with a party atmosphere.

2. Go to the Mall at Sierra Vista

Have you ever thought of becoming a Mall Walker? The Mall at Sierra Vista offers a Mall Walker program with the flat ground, and over course, the temperature controlled atmosphere. A walk around the mall is on the dark tiles 5 times is to equal about two miles.

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Credit: Canva

This is a pleasant experience suitable for anyone who might have trouble with the heat, walking on an uneven surface or who might have other physical limitations. If you're planning to walk with a baby stroller, there's no better place to get a little motion in your life. The Mall doors are unlocked before the mall opens, so you're walking with other Mall Walkers, not with shoppers. Check out this link for more information.

3. Take in a Movie at Cinemark

The air conditioning in the movie theater can be so cool, you might have to pack a sweater! Enjoy this special treat, a little entertainment and a bucket of popcorn on our hottest days. Turn down the A/C at your house and enjoy a cool afternoon of fun.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Can you think of some other ways to stay cool in the summer heat? Tell us about it!

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