• There's one problem across Cochise County that everyone wants fixed right now.
  • Cochise County is a great place to live, but we've seen an uptick in problems, and we believe our tax dollars should be used toward solutions.
  • We asked our social media followers to help us understand the problems that should be addressed in our county.

Cochise County is a great place to live, but like all areas of the U.S., our area is not without problems.

We asked our social media followers to share their thoughts on the things they think Cochise County needs to take a look at getting fixed.

A lot of the issues are overdue for a solution. Some are problems that have started to get worse since the end of the pandemic.

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Here's what you think we need to fix in Arizona
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The Issue Cochise County Wants Fixed MOST

As you read through our list, you'll see one issue that is raised again and again. We're steaming mad and feel like the state ignoring the problem. So many of our followers listed the problem, it almost seems like a joke, but I assure you, we're getting seriously tired of being ignored by the Arizona Department of Transportation and the State of Arizona.

Our local elected officials have pleaded. Various citizens around the county have called the state and ADOT, only to be told that fixing the roads 'has been scheduled.' Everyone with a vehicle can see that scheduled, work started, and fixed are wildly different concepts.

Here's what you think we need to fix in Arizona
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What Should Be Fixed in Cochise County

See for yourself the major issues YOU believe are affecting life in Cochise County. Do you agree - or did we miss something?

See the original K01 Sierra Vista Facebook post here:

We've Had Enough! Fix These Things in Cochise County NOW!

Do you notice the pattern? According to Cochise County social media users, here's what needs to be fixed right now.

Gallery Credit: Val Davidson/TSM

How Did Your Arizona County Vote in the Last Election?

Find your county and see how it voted in the last election.

Gallery Credit: Val Davidson/TSM

Ranked! Arizona's Top 10 Favorite Pizza Toppings

Keep scrolling to see how your favorite pizza topping stacks up with pizza lovers across Arizona!

Gallery Credit: Val Davidson/TSM

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