• Arizona ranks near the middle of the US for drinking
  • Arizona ranks higher than average for DUI arrests
  • Many factors were considered when rating Arizona cities on alcohol consumption

Ranking Arizona's Drunkest cities.
Binge drinking was considered as a factor. // Canva

Gathering Information: Arizona's Drunkest Cities

It's hard to know if self-reported figures are accurate when it comes to sensitive topics like drinking and tobacco use. If anything, the average adult is more likely to under-report or hold back information.  That's why Roadsnacks.com did a deep dive into drinking in America.

The good news is Arizona ranks near the middle when it comes to drinking, as compared to the rest of the United States.

The not-so-great news is that Arizona's citizens don't make the best decisions regarding drinking and driving. Arizona is the sixth highest in the nation for DUI arrests.

Excessive Drinking in Arizona

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), excessive drinking, which includes binge drinking, is defined as:

Four or more drinks on a single occasion for women and five or more for men. Heavy drinking is defined as eight or more drinks per week for women and 15 or more for men.

Ranking Arizona's Drunkest cities.
Party schools like ASU contributed to the high rate of drinking in Tempe. // Canva

Determining the Drunkest Cities in Arizona

To determine where Arizona's most drunken cities are ranked, Roadsnacks.com looked at these contributing factors:

  • The number of bars and pubs in an area, per capita
  • Each city’s divorce rate
  • The number of wineries close by, per capita
  • The number of liquor stores in the vicinity, per capita

The survey even leveraged social media; they surveyed drunk-related tweets posted in the vicinity over the last week.

Ranking Arizona's Drunkest cities.
Rates of divorces is considered in this survey. // Canva

The survey accounted for information inside the city limits and a short drive outside of the city to get an accurate picture of exactly how much Arizona is drinking.

Here's the list of Arizona's drunkest cities: 

10. Flagstaff
9. Prescott
8. Globe
7. Tucson
6. Cottonwood
5. Bisbee
4. Scottsdale
3. Sedona
2. Tempe
1. Cave Creek

Ranking Arizona's Drunkest cities.
Binge drinking at biker rallies was a factor considered in this survey. // Canva

A variety of factors were cited for why some of Arizona's cities rank so high:

  • Rural or remote settings
  • Lack of entertainment options
  • College town
  • Poverty
  • The high number of bars, breweries, and wineries
  • High rate of divorce
Ranking Arizona's Drunkest cities.
Unemployment and poverty can contribute to high levels of drinking. // Canva

It's hard to tell if the high rate of divorce leads to more drinking or if more drinking leads to a higher rate of divorce in some areas.

Arizona: Remove These 9 Items From Your Wallet or Purse Immediately!

If you want to stay safe when you're traveling or shopping, here are nine items you should remove from your wallet or purse right now:

Gallery Credit: Val Davidson

It Costs HOW MUCH? 11 Things That Are Suddenly Too Expensive in Arizona

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Gallery Credit: Val Davidson/TSM

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Gallery Credit: Val Davidson/TSM

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