Do You Know Why I Pulled You Over?

If you've ever been pulled over by police in Arizona, you may have noticed a few things that happen as they approach your vehicle.

Before the officer steps up to your window and asks the question, "Do you know why I pulled you over?", you may see a sequence of events taking place.


Safety First

Police officers have a lot to consider when they pull a vehicle over. Not just the safety of drivers on the road, but their personal safety is always top of mind.

Have you ever noticed the police officer will pause briefly at the back of your vehicle before approaching? Then you may notice as they put out a hand and touch your trunk. That simple gesture tells them several things.


According to the website, police officers touch the back of a vehicle during a traffic stop for three reasons.

1. The Officer is Checking to Be Sure the Trunk is Closed

They're making sure the trunk is closed and no one can jump out of it and ambush them. The last thing they want is to be caught unaware while they're issuing a citation or a warning.


2. The Officer is Leaving a Fingerprint

To be safe, the officer is leaving a fingerprint on the trunk which can be used as evidence to prove they were present at the scene of the traffic stop.


3. The Officer is Testing Your Responses

The Mechanic Base website says it's the job of law enforcement to make sure you're fit to return to the road.

They need to know if you are using alcohol or drugs, hiding a weapon, or if you have any prohibited items in your vehicle. This gives the officer time to assess your body language and state of mind before approaching your window.


Point It Out on Television!

Now that you know the reasons officers touch the back of your vehicle, you'll notice this little gesture has made its way into authentic police dramas on television and in the movies. I challenge you to point it out the next time you're watching your favorite cop drama. You will never be able to "unsee" it.

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