The Stocking Stuffers Program: A 25-Year Tradition

The holiday season is a time for giving. It's also the time of year when we see our friends and neighbors in need. That's where two local organizations step in; the San Pedro Kiwanis and Just Kids, Inc. are once again helping our children in need throughout Cochise County this holiday season with the Stocking Stuffers Program.

Just Kids, Inc and Sierra Vista Kiwanis Stocking Suffer Program to buy clothes for kids in need in Cochise County

The Annual Stocking Stuffers Program is rolling into its 25th year of giving. Through donations, the combined effort provides new clothing to over 650 children in Cochise County.

Just Kids, Inc and Sierra Vista Kiwanis Stocking Suffer Program to buy clothes for kids in need in Cochise County

Identifying a Need in Cochise County

School nurses and counselors who serve in our local schools identify children who may need a little extra this year. These educators send information to area children's homes, and then parents and guardians fill out the child’s sizes and return the information to the school.

Each child in the Stocking Stuffers program will receive two pairs of pants, two shirts, a package of socks, a package of undergarments, and one pair of shoes. If needed, children may also receive a jacket.

Just Kids, Inc and Sierra Vista Kiwanis Stocking Suffer Program to buy clothes for kids in need in Cochise County

These organizations collect monetary donations, then the Kiwanis go shopping for these items. If you'd like, donors are welcome to personally shop for a child.

Just Kids, Inc and Sierra Vista Kiwanis Stocking Suffer Program to buy clothes for kids in need in Cochise County

How to Help the Stocking Stuffers Program

  • You Shop: You can do the shopping on behalf of the child, then drop off the clothes for the Kiwanis to deliver. You are given the child's first name, their age, and their clothing sizes.
  • Sponsor a Child: Make a Cash Donation. The Kiwanis will do the shopping for the kids in the program.
  • Wrap Gifts: Help wrap gifts. Donate a few hours of your time, and help the Kiwanis wrap the gifts at VFW Post 9972 in Sierra Vista on December 3rd or December 7th at noon.
  • Spread the Word: Finally, you can help by spreading the word about this wonderful local program. This could be as simple as sharing this article or your social media.
Just Kids, Inc and Sierra Vista Kiwanis Stocking Suffer Program to buy clothes for kids in need in Cochise County

To help with the Stocking Stuffers Program or to get more information call (520) 459-5897 or email

Find out more by writing to: San Pedro Kiwanis and Just Kids Inc. PO Box 2062 Sierra Vista, Arizona 85636

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Gallery Credit: Annalise Mantz & Madison Troyer

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