These days, the Wildcats glimmer of dominance has dimmed, and they're still striving to reclaim their place on the top of the College Basketball Mountain. Do you believe in miracles?
Dogs are man's best friend. An animal we learned top domesticate for hunting thousands of years ago now sits at our lap and waits endlessly for pats and love.
Monday, January 13th was meant to be a celebratory day for Los Angeles. Their hometown Rams were set to take on the Minnesota Vikings, and were primed for an upset. The fires raging their way through Los Angeles changed that, however.
The University of Arizona is a basketball school. The Wildcats are consistently one of the top teams in College Basketball, and have a proud history to back up their success.
Since 2012, state parks across America have taken part in the "First Day Hikes" initiative in order to get people out to their local parks, and hopefully keep them coming back.
In 2018, the United States legalized sports betting across the nation. This immediately grabbed hold of America's attention, and became one of the most profitable industries in the modern day.
Sporting events used to be for the people. Seats could be bought for as low as $10, and you could grab concessions for the entire family for under $15. That's changed, and prices have gotten ridiculously high for everything in live sports.
While the Grand Canyon State constantly feeds the filmmaking capitol of the world new talent, it's not often we get a movie about one of our own. That's finally changing.
Taking risks, whether physical or emotional, is cathartic to many, and has led to dozens of well-known activities and events for thrill-seekers. Arizona has no shortage of these thrills, but one of the states favorites outdoor pastimes is receiving a massive blow.