The wind in your hair and the freedom of riding a motorcycle can't be beat. Arizona's beautiful, clear weather makes this activity one of the best ways to enjoy our state.

According to motorcycle safety expert Steve Paladini, there are some things you should be aware of as you navigate traffic on the back of your bike.

Dangerous motorcycle habit

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What is Lane Filtering on a Motorcycle?

Steve Paladini helps train motorcycle riders on the best ways to stay safe in Cochise County.

Lane filtering on a motorcycle in Arizona
Explained: The Arizona Lane Filtering Law // Image courtesy Sierra Vista Police, Fire, and EMS via Facebook.

Safe motorcycling requires riders to make good decisions and reduce risk based on their existing skill set. Steve says, "I say very simply, you need to learn from others' mistakes, or you're not gonna live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself."

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Dangerous motorcycle habit

While riding a motorcycle, the rider should always wear protective gear, and that includes wearing a helmet.

According to Arizona Revised Statute ARS 28-729, while you're riding a motorcycle in the state of Arizona, lane filtering is permitted.

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Arizona is the fourth U.S. state to legally allow this practice where motorcycles share lanes with cars and trucks to reduce traffic congestion.

Dangerous motorcycle habit

Steve explained that motorcycle riders are allowed to move through lanes to pass between two vehicles traveling in the same direction. This is known as lane splitting, and there are limitations on how and where this practice is allowed.

The Rules on Motorcycle Lane Splitting in Arizona

There are some limitations to this rule:

  • Lane splitting is only permitted if traffic is stopped.
  • The movement can only be made if it can be done safely.
  • The speed limit on the road is 45mph or less.
  • The motorcycle cannot go more than 15mph when filtering.
  • The road must have two or more adjacent traffic lanes moving in the same direction.
Dangerous motorcycle habit

It's illegal to split the lane if traffic is moving or moving too fast. No exceptions. Paladini says, "Ultimately, it's up to the individual rider to decide if lane filtering poses an acceptable risk."

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