We're in a new age. The Library of Alexandria has burned, and from the ashes we built something greater. The internet was the answer to all of humanity's questions, an unfathomably huge data center that can tell you whatever you want to know in seconds.
Communication is an essential part of the human experience. Without the ability to communicate with each other, we'd be no better than rocks on the ground that sprouted legs.
When I was a child, the internet was a place. Linked forever to the three year old desktop my family had in our computer room. You want to surf the web? Go to the internet room.
The internet is a weird place. No matter what trend is rocking the algorithm one day, it can be immediately overtaken by something completely different.
A billion dollars is the most absurd amount of money in the world. It's so large, in fact, that most people can't accurately comprehend how much it is.