Cochise County Sheriff Kicks Off the Salvation Army Red Kettle Program
Kicking Off the Annual Red Kettle Event in Cochise County
The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office is helping kick off the Salvation Army Red Kettle Program.
Following the annual tradition, the Sheriff’s Office heads out to businesses around the county to ring the bells as shoppers head out on the day following Thanksgiving.
Black Friday is the traditional kick-off of the national campaign. The Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps and Community Center helps individuals and families year-round. The bell ringers stationed at businesses comprise the Salvation Army's biggest yearly fundraiser.
According to Captains Heather and Ty Baze, this fundraiser determines the budget for the services and programs they can provide over the course of the next year.
Supporting Local Programs with Your Donations
Local programs and services are primarily funded through annual the bell-ringing campaign. You can help support the local Salvation Army in a variety of ways.
Donate Change and Cash to the Red Kettle
First, all monies collected during the bell-ringing campaign are put into local efforts. It's easy to help with this one. You can drop cash and change into the red kettles through the holiday season.
If you don't have change and prefer to donate electronically, now you can do that, too. You'll notice signs placed on the Red Kettles with a QR code. Just snap a picture with your cell phone, and it will take you to the website where you can donate securely online.
You can also donate online via the website from home or at work, and your online donation will also stay local.
Be a Volunteer Bell Ringer
Second, you can volunteer to be a bell ringer. You can ring the bell for two hours and help feed around thirteen families. Of course, you can volunteer for more than an hour as well.
Donate Food to the Salvation Army Food Bank
Finally, you can donate food to the Salvation Army any time. They're always looking for donations, but the holidays pose a greater challenge when the food bank shelves can stand empty faster than at any other time.
To donate and Sierra Vista Salvation Army, go to www.sierravistaredkettle.org or text the word Kettle to 91999
Drop off shelf-stable foods, like canned goods, boxed meals, and more at 180 E. Wilcox Dr. Sierra Vista, or call (520) 459-8411 to learn how you can help.
Unless otherwise indicated, all photos courtesy of the Cochise County Sheriff's Office. Used with permission.
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Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock
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