YOU Name Our K101 Sierra Vista Radio Station Hawks!
If you haven’t noticed the hawks flying above the K101 studio on Busby Drive in Sierra Vista, drive by and take a look at the red and white tower with the giant nest built by the hawks about a third of the way up. The hawks have been nesting above the station for decades. Well, not the same pair of hawks all these years, but likely their offspring.
When I noticed the hawks a few years ago, I began to wonder about them. How long have they been here? Read my introduction story about them here. I knew that if I found the hawks fascinating, you would too, so I figured these majestic creatures should have names. I asked my Val in the Morning listeners to help me out.
I took to Facebook to ask what we should name our station's feathered mascots; here are some of your top answers. Rosa suggested naming the mated pair Wyatt and Kate while Tanya suggested Hawkeye and Radiohead, to leverage both the ‘hawk’ theme and the ‘radio’ concept. Mike threw in Fergie & Red, naming them after the breed of hawks he believes them to be.
Your answers poured in through the K101 mobile app, too! Listeners like Dave and Mollie are loving the new chat feature. Dave suggested the names Cosmo and Wanda after the ‘Fairly Odd Parents’ characters, and Mollie thought Romeo and Juliette would be cute, adding she hopes they stay in their balcony nest with no need to act out the final scenes!
Naming our station hawks isn’t an official contest, of course, but certainly fun to think about. A few more great suggestions came in from Frances who offered Sir Valiant & Lady Miracle OneOhOne (101), leveraging our station numbers, Jasmin threw in Johnny & June.
I need your thoughts? If you had to choose names for our station hawks, would you pick something our listeners have already suggested or do you have a different idea!
Join the conversation! Grab the free K101 app and send me a chat with your answer and I’ll announce our hawks new names next week!
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