2022 Cochise County Christmas Parades
There’s nothing quite like the Sierra Vista Christmas Light Parade. Sponsored by the Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the City of Sierra Vista, participants must register with the Chamber of Commerce by November 27th . The theme this year is “Superheroes”. Watching the parade is free and open to the public, but be aware of road closers. Since this is a night parade, be sure to dress warm - bring lawn chairs and blankets.
The parade stages up near the Domingo Paiz Softball Complex behind the Sierra Vista Police Station and steps off at 5:30pm. Participants should check their registration paperwork for the exact staging location and details. Volunteers will be at the stating are to help direct traffic.
Last year, the City of Sierra Vista rolled out the new parade route. The parade staging area is around the ball fields and travels down N. Coronado Drive where it connects with Martin Luther King, Jr Parkway, connecting to Avenida Escuela, and meeting up with Fry Boulevard, then looping back again. Essentially, the parade travels around the outside of Veterans Park.
Part of the fun of the holidays in Sierra Vista is the Annual Tree Lighting and Holiday Market. The festivities begin Friday, December 2nd at 5pm. The Sierra Vista Community Band will perform festive holiday music beginning at 5pm, then the Tree Lighting Ceremony happens at 5:30. Santa stops by after the ceremony! Kids can chat with Santa and drop off their letters to Santa. The holiday market and children's activities will be going on throughout the event.
On Saturday, Desert Swing Big Band will perform their Christmas concert beginning at noon. The market will be going on throughout the day.
The park entrances and exits will close from 5:00 to 7:30pm during the Christmas Light Parade. Once the parade ends, the shopping and children's activities will continue until 9:00pm.
The Palominas Unorganized Christmas Parade is for anyone who wants to be in a parade. It’s relaxed and informal, and all you need to do is show up and get in line by 9:30am on Saturday December 3rd. It begins at the fire station on Palominas Road in Palominas and ends where the road meets Highway 92.
Everyone is welcome to participate, and no registration is necessary. Decorate your vehicle, bring your horse, dress up your dog and your kids, your parade float – the possibilities are endless and fun. The parade is about an hour, give or take, depending on how many participants show up.
Following the parade, everyone is invited to a free carnival and refreshments at the Church of Palominas at 10466 E. Highway 92. This parade is sponsored by the Legion Riders of Bisbee LA Engle, Jr. American Legion Post 16, Palominas Rural Health Clinic and the Friends of the Palominas Parade. For more info, hit up their facebook page @ Palominas Unorganized Parade.
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