Most cities and towns celebrate what might be considered "normal" local events, like Founder's Day, for example.

When we're talking about a town like Bisbee, however, "normal" isn't in their vocabulary. You know you're in for a twist when you discover Bisbee celebrates things such as Alice in Bisbeeland or an entire weekend devoted to Pirates.

Don't miss Festival of the Return of Bisbee's Turkey Vultures. (Canva)
Don't miss Festival of the Return of Bisbee's Turkey Vultures. (Canva)

So, it's not surprise Bisbee, with its reputation as a destination for the unique and unusual, celebrates the annual Return of the Turkey Vultures.  This event is such an integral part of Bisbee, it even has its own Facebook page.

Return of the Turkey Vultures Events

Return of the Turkey Vultures events will take place in Old Bisbee and Warren. On Saturday March 11th, begin in Warren from 10am to noon in Vista Park where the Saturday Farmer's Market meets.

Part of the Bisbee Vulture parade. (Courtesy Bisbee Vultures Facebook Page.)
Part of the Bisbee Vulture parade. (Courtesy Bisbee Vultures Facebook Page.)

Stop by the and see these roadkill cleanup critters up close courtesy of Liberty Wildlife. They've got the inside scoop on how these birds live, including their diet and habits.

They'll move over to the Copper Queen Library on Main Street in Old Bisbee from 12:30pm to 1.

Hang around Warren and join the informal Turkey Vulture parade in Warren starting at the flagpole in Vista Park. Families are encouraged to participate and wear costumes in the parade. Play games like Buzzard Buffet where kids can "toss slimy critters into a bucket", and don't miss Pin the Tail on the Buzzard. C'mon. When will you ever experience this kind of thing again?

Turkey Vulture finger puppets. (Courtesy Bisbee Vultures Facebook Page.)
Turkey Vulture finger puppets. (Courtesy Bisbee Vultures Facebook Page.)

Be sure to pick up some miniature Buzzard Finger Puppets being sold as a fundraiser by Friends of the Bisbee Pool as part of their renovation effort.

The Bisbee Vulture Parade. (Courtesy Bisbee Vultures Facebook Page.)
The Bisbee Vulture Parade. (Courtesy Bisbee Vultures Facebook Page.)

Mark your calendar for this unique event happening on Saturday, March 11, at Vista Park in Warren and Old Bisbee.

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