This Arizona Landmark is Most Probably Haunted. A Lot.
My niece came to visit from the Midwest recently. The number one place she wanted to visit was Tombstone. She'd been to Tombstone when she was a teenager and wanted to see if her memory of the town measured up to her adult eyes.
As we walked down Allen Street, we dipped into various shops that called her attention. We spoke to locals and listened as the "clack-clack" as our feet hit the wood-slatted sidewalks, accompanied by the staccato footfalls of the draft horses pulling the stagecoaches around town.

As we walked into certain establishments, we both noticed a feeling in some of the buildings.
Many years ago, I was part of Donovan's Ghost Patrol team, and we'd spent many a dark night with EMF meters and flashlights as we combed through some of the buildings.
I could attest that as far as our equipment was concerned, there were definitely some haunted places along the boardwalk.
I found myself mentioning this to my niece, who I'll call Jessie. Mostly because that's her name, but I digress.
Anyway, Jessie and I would walk into a store, and I'd suddenly recall a time the Ghost Patrol team had done a ghost hunt in a particular store, or somewhere nearby.
I remembered pieces of legends I heard from friends and colleagues, and realized that the weird, tingly feeling we had was perhaps coming from a ghost or the haunted place - or just our wild imaginations on overdrive.
Jessie also has a wild imagination, so the "ookie spookies" as we started to call them, were running boney fingers of up the spine of her imagination, too.
We visited the Birdcage Theatre, the OK Corral, and the Rose Tree Museum, all places where we found chilly corners and unexplained weirdness.
One thing's for sure, the ghosts of Tombstone have made their peace with the constant stream of tourists. According to Jessie, the Town Too Tough To Die Even Under the Weight of Thousands of Tourists - definitely lived up to her memory!
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